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How to be productive while working from home.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, billions of workforce have adjusted to a new reality – working from home to eliminate the direct exposure of coronavirus.

Attending zoom meetings from your garage isn’t a new concept, but it is certainly more widespread now. According to a Gallup survey, 43% of the US workforce spent time working remotely in the year 2020. That’s almost half of the US workforce doing a job that is compatible with the comforts of their home.

While this survey still expects to bring more insights and data in the years to come, the remote-working junta are exploring ways to stay productive in the same rooms in which we sleep, eat, and work, while maintaining a feeling of sense of community with office colleagues and managers to boot.

Are you or your work colleagues asking the same questions – how to get more work done from home easily? Seasoned remote workers say that their routines, time management, and all sorts of bio-hacking help in order to stay on toes without breaking the order of workflow.

Let’s look from their perspective and tips that inspire you to make working from home more fun and productive at the same time.

  1. Maintain Regular Work Hours

  2. Filter Work Time and Personal Time

  3. Plan your Workflow

  4. Pick Activities That Help You Reset

  5. Dress For Success

Maintain Regular Work Hours It is tempting to adopt flexibility as to when to head-start the work, taking breaks, or signing off from work. Here, you’re doing a little disservice if you don’t stick to your work schedule. Setting yourself work hours keeps you one step ahead of your tasks, and keeps you accountable for your work. Plus, it is easier to keep up to date on ever-evolving workflows coming from the office.

Filter Work Time and Personal Time Just like it is important to carve out your regular working hours for a day, it is also important to spend your remaining time with yourself for other-worldly things. Don’t extend the workday too far beyond what you planned, at the risk of burning yourself out.

To stay productive at work, it is important to keep your work life and personal life balanced while keeping your stress levels at bay.

Plan your workflow All you need is to get smart about planning your workday. Before you kickstart your day, set up your priorities for the day, and how long does it take to get everything done. It will also help you to eke out some time on working in things you like every day other than the work.

Make a part of your habit, plan your day before you go to bed for the upcoming day. You may find it better while sleeping when you accomplish all your priorities of the day without stressing about the things you couldn’t able to achieve. This routine will help you prioritize wisely with every passing day.

Pick Activities That Hep You Reset A random 2011 study found that workers who took 2-3 breaks stayed consistent in accomplishing their daily tasks, but when it came to a group who took no breaks, ‘’performance declined significantly over the course of time’’.

This study has everything to do with how our brains picking tasks that it should pay attention to and eliminates the importance of taking breaks. So, If you’ve already planned your workflow as mentioned in the last step above, then you must have already planned your breaks throughout the day. Make sure to make the most of your breaks – by taking a stroll to get some fresh air, treating yourself with a healthy smoothie, or calling a friend or colleague to see how they are doing. These activities help you rejuvenate before you brace yourself for the next chunk of tasks.

Dress for success Even if you won’t be interacting with another person all day, it is important to get yourself dressed like you’re going to the office. This includes showering, brush your teeth! Pajamas, a T-shirt, and your couch would make a comfortable plan team but it will attract sluggish and lazy vibes. It is also a good opportunity to give a new outfit a risk-free shot.

Conclusion Braking from a vibrant office routine to work-from-home is challenging, but with a few habit changes, you can still have a far more productive workday. Find out what works for you to maintain a steady work-life balance by giving a shot at some of the tips mentioned above.


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