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In these times of uncertainty due to the spread of the COVID – 19 viruses worldwide. Many or most of the companies have now made policies wherein employees are made to work from. Although, this concept is now not relatively new now but comes with its own challenges as well as advantages. People have now started adopting the work from home (could also be addressed as “WFH”) as a lifestyle change. Employees of various companies have become cautious about this lifestyle change. A survey was conducted in the August of 2020 in India which revealed that 43 % of the IT sector employees missed their office environment the statistical chart could show these various factors of unhappiness.

Considering these factors of the unhappiness of employees this blog gives you essential tips to bring out the productivity in employees from WFH.

Designated Workspace – HOME OFFICE

This might sound like having a bigger space with a desk and office looking environment. But having a dedicated workspace could just mean having a place where you can concentrate and have the right postures to work for longer durations. This place can be any corner in your whole house which might sufficient natural light. Having this workspace would help you transition in and out of the work environment. Not being too caught up and sucked in worked would increase work output. This dedicated workspace would help you concentrate and give optimum work output. Stepping out of this space could enlighten your mood as it would lead to psychological transitioning from the work. Just like the feeling of stepping in and stepping out of the office.

Morning routine

Having a morning routine depends on the person’s lifestyle choices. While some are night thinkers and can be more productive during nights and on the flip side, some people like waking at 5 am and starting their day by meditating, jogging or working out etc. Before, actually beginning their daily life chores. But having a plan of action after waking smoothens the whole day’s work and tasks which have to delivered get done in a more efficient and productive day.

Work-life balance

Having a balance in work life and home life is the key to a successful and peaceful life. Being too consumed by anyone would lead to being less productive in both. Obtaining a balance would also lead to proper utilisation of the time in a whole day.

Getting Dressed

Because you’re working from home and don’t have a commute or be in places. You’ll need to help your body and mindset shift from sleep mode into work mode. One way to do this is to get dressed. No, you don’t have to dress up like you’re going into the office but you’ll want to look presentable. But otherwise dress how you’d like. There’s nothing wrong with wearing yoga pants or gym shorts all day, as long as you’re comfortable and can stay focused. After all, one of the big perks of working from home is being comfortable, so take advantage of it.

Socialising with colleagues- communication

Since you’re sitting at home communication with peers and fellows is very essential. It is important to solve tasks with team spirit and being a team player. Using applications like zoom break out rooms, hangouts and google meet etc would help plan strategies would the company and also help peers to socialise with each other which is integral.

Keeping technical backup

Being stuck on a low-speed WIFI connection and having sticky keys can be really annoying at times of high work pressures. It would be a great idea to have a miscellaneous ideal laptop and Ethernet cable to troubleshoot any such technical issues.

Staying enthusiastic and motivated

Having a properly motivated mindset is essential to deliver the tasks allotted timely.

Making a daily road map for working through the day

Having a daily routine would help you stay calm throughout the day. Having tasks already planned would lead to no ruckus at times of high work output demands. This would give you a sense of achievements after completing small tasks thought the day.

Defined working hours

Would help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Planning short breaks

This would help you freshen your mood. Just life small tea breaks in the office. These breaks will help you change your perspective and solve problems during work in an effective and positive manner.



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